ID63: Social strategies and rituality in ancient mountain landscapes


  • Full Title

    Social strategies and rituality in ancient mountain landscapes

  • Scheduled

    Wednesday, 2022-09-14
    Session Part I:  13:30 - 15:00
    Session Part II: 16:00 - 17:30

  • Co-Conveners

    Martin Callanan, Xavier Mangado Llach and Brian Stewart

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

    5. Probing the past, predicting the future – developing adaptive strategies in mountain regions under future climates


  • Keywords

    Prehistory, Protohistory, climatic changes, social strategies, territories, ceremonial practises, ritual sites


Since prehistoric times, mountains have represented key areas for understanding the development of social strategies related to group territories and interaction. The peculiar characteristics of mountain environments and the strong impact of climatic conditions have had considerable impacts on human encounters with these environments. Many locations and paths have often been used continuously through deep time up until today. In some cases, these factors have combined and led to the identification of special places for ritual and or symbolic practices. The aim of this session is to focus on evidences of ancient social strategies and rituality behaviours in mountain landscapes of the world, looking for common and divergent patterns.

Registered Abstracts

SOWI - Seminar room U3

NAME: SOWI – Seminar room U3
BUILDING: Sowi main building – ground floor, U3
USED FOR: Focus Sessions, Plenary Sessions: FS 10, FS 17, FS 21, FS 36, FS 63, FS 76, PS 14, PS 19, PS 84
ACCESS: #IMC22-Members
ADDITIONAL: ATTENTION: first ground floor! Beamer, PC, WLAN (Eduroam), Limited Network Connection, Blackboard, Overhead, Handicapped Accessible
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SOWI – Seminar room U3
Sowi main building – ground floor, U3
Focus Sessions, Plenary Sessions: FS 10, FS 17, FS 21, FS 36, FS 63, FS 76, PS 14, PS 19, PS 84
ATTENTION: first ground floor! Beamer, PC, WLAN (Eduroam), Limited Network Connection, Blackboard, Overhead, Handicapped Accessible
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