
WS 3.501

PhD Life Insights

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  • Full Title

    WS 3.501: PhD Life: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
  • Scheduled

  • Location

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

  • Thematic Focus

    No focus defined
  • Keywords

    PhD Life, Mental Health, Work Environment, Community


This is meant to be a space to share struggles and experiences about your life as a PhD student. We believe that people in all stages of their PhD can benefit from an exchange.

Over the course of the week, we would like to hear from you:

  • What struggles do you face during your PhD?

  • What do you enjoy in your PhD?

  • What was your best experience so far?

  • Want advice would you give someone starting a PhD?

  • Would you change anything about how you approached your PhD?

While we are all PhD students, everyone of us is on a unique journeys and are here at different stages. The PhD experience is different for different countries and research fields. We all bring unique perspectives and can benefit from learning from each other. To this end, we would like to create a safe environment that gives everyone the opportunity to share.